as every year at the start of the new training year, the trainee excursion took place with all apprentices, dual students and some of our instructors. with a relaxed introduction round with snacks, drinks and casual conversations we started this year in our headquater in blaubeuren.
afterwards we went to neu-ulm for the FACE OFF. the highlight of the day.
here it was about skill, strength and the best general knowledge.
we fought side by side, sweated and our heads were spinning.
the highlight for most of us was the bull riding, in which both trainees and instructors sailed from the bull into the air cushions.
After everyone was exhausted and the winners had been determined, we made us on our way for dinner to the qmuh in ulm.
this was the end of another very successful, fun trainee trip.
everyone is already looking forward to next year, with new faces in our team.