the days before the year-end-celebration is always quite bussy. all sales and service colleagues from all over germany and also from abroad meet for the annual year-end-meeting.
in those days new products are trained, sales targets and sales strategies are discussed and experiences from the projects are shared with each other.
the highlight at the end of these days - our annual closing party with all colleagues and their partners!
the celebration took place in the hall in blaubeuren-seissen. after a christmas champagne reception, an enthralling speech of our managing director and an extensive buffet, anniversaries were honored and prizes distributed.
this year, 8 employees even had their 10th and 2 employees even their 20th anniversary! we are happy for so much faithfulness and look forward to the next decades together.
for the first time, some of our competence centers have been honored for their 10th anniversary. the competence center teams in hanover, vienna and rotterdam have been rewarded for the last 10 successful years. every team got 1,000 euros to spend together.
the "seller of the year" and the "photographer of the year" were rewarded and happy about travel vouchers and a budget for an additional team event for 2018.
in a relaxed atmosphere, with music and good talks it was celebrated until well after midnight!
a successful conclusion to a successful year 2017!